0063 Development of an oblique-impinging jet biochar-firing combustor
Hsiao-Kai (孝凱) Kan (干), Dean (鼎贏) Chou(周) and Yueh-Heng (約亨) Li (李)
To improve the combustion efficiency, two oblique-impinging flames were designed and employed to burn biochar in a more clean and stable way. The proposed oblique-impinging jet burner consists of two oblique jet burners and one slot jet burner. The oblique jet burner with a specific deflection angle was employed with a stoichiometric methane/air flame to generate the inner circulation zone. The slot jet burner placed in the center was used to deliver biochars derived from empty fruit bunch (EFB). Two premixed impinging flames would construct two flow structures, that is, an impinging jet zone and an inner recirculation zone. The incoming biochar particle would veer toward the inner circulation and trap inside the recirculation zone. Consequently, the biochar would encounter the devolatilization process and yield the resulting combustible gases, such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Eventually, the shrank biochar particle would be delivered towards the downstream impinging jet flame and then burn out. Theoretically, the proposed oblique-impinging jet burner can achieve clean and stable biochar-firing combustion.
To scrutinize the combustion characteristic of the proposed oblique-impinging burner, some parameters are examined in terms of the deflection angle (30°, 45°, 60°) of the oblique-impinging jet nozzle, the distance of two oblique-impinging nozzles, and delivering flowrate of biochar. In the experiment, particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) was employed to investigate the flow structure of the proposed burner, and two-color pyrometry was used to measure the surface temperature of biochar. Moreover, the soot volume of the biochar combustion was also measured by laser-induced incandescence (LII).
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0243 碳纖維複材應用於集電板之燃料電池模組設計與應用
Chong-Kai Wang and Yean-Der Kuan
本研究於面電阻量測中發現隨著碳化次數增加,碳纖維集電板之面電阻值隨之降低。在機械強度的部分,未碳化之碳纖維試片三點彎曲強度平均值為469.7MPa、碳化一次為67.5MPa、碳化兩次為38.7MPa,隨著碳化次數增加,碳纖維之機械強度隨之降低。於單電池性能測試中,封閉式單電池使用燃料電池測試平台進行測試,以定電壓給與負載,氫氣流量300sccm,氧氣流量600sccm,氣體加濕並加溫至50℃,封閉式單電池最高可輸出82 mW/cm2。而開放式之陰極端自然對流,開放式單電池可輸出33 mW/cm2。於平面式2cell電池堆性能測試中,使用燃料電池測試平台進行測試,以定電壓給與負載,氫氣流量600sccm,氧氣流量1200sccm,氣體加濕並加溫至50℃,電池最高可輸出178 mW/cm2。而開放式之陰極端自然對流,開放式2cell最高可輸出84 mW/cm2。
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0132 多階旋風式純氧煅燒系統負壓操作對煅燒效率之影響
書懷 張, 宗錡 李, 恆文 徐 and 啟雯 廖
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0196 轉爐石於流體化床化學迴路系統反應研究
Cetera Chen and Seng-Rung Wu
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0035 Biochar’s Role for Negative Carbon Emissions in Agriculture and Forestry Circular Economy in Taiwan
Keng-Tung Wu and Chia-Ju Tsai
According to the definition by International Biochar Initiative (IBI), biochar is a carbonized solid biomass production by carbonization of solid biomass feedstock. Biochar can be used not only as solid fuels, but also as soil amendment materials with carbon sequestration. In agricultural applications, due to the porous structure and high specific surface area itself, biochar mixed with the soil can decrease the soil bulk density, increase the soil porosity, and improve aeration and water holding capacity (WHC) of soil. It may be used as a refuge for colonizing fungi and bacteria. If the carbon sequestration is through biomass energy, the net carbon withdrawal from the atmosphere is 0%, i.e., the net CO2 emission is zero. If the biochar is mixed with the soil, net carbon withdrawal from the atmosphere is about 20%.
In Taiwan, according to our investigation, except for the municipal wastes and general industrial wastes, the dry agriculture and forest solid residues were estimated at 636,297 t/yr in 2019. It would be a large resource for making biochar. In addition, producing and utilizing biochar can accelerate the formation of Taiwanese agriculture and forestry circular economy. To assist the potential manufacturers in establishing the biochar industry, and promoting the application of biochar, a 100 kg/hr (feeding rate) multiple hearth furnace (MHF) with a continuous feeding system for mass production of biochar was established at National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. The requirements of this pilot scale biochar production system focused on (1) mass production of biochar; (2) recovery of liquid byproducts (e.g., vinegar) for agricultural utilization; (3) good quality of biochar based on the pore diameter by controlling the carbonization temperatures; and (4) flue gas emissions that meet the environmental standards. The preliminary results show that feeding 100 kg/hr of the mixed wood pellet (from pruning street trees) into the furnace can generate about 20 kg/hr biochar under the operating temperature at 600oC. The byproduct of vinegar is about 0.06 L/L/hr, and can be diluted to 100 ppm for agricultural utilization. The property of produced biochar met the European Biochar Certificate (EBC Std.). The flue gas emissions also met the Taiwanese Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards. Moreover, the net carbon withdrawal from the atmosphere is 17.02% by using biochar produced from the above MHF system.
In conclusion, we believe that through the performance of the pilot scale biochar production system, the Taiwanese agriculture and forestry circular economy would be established promptly and successfully.
Financial support of this work by the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan (Grant No. 110AS-17. 1.2-ST-a4) is gratefully acknowledged.
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0075 Experimental and modeling investigations of the air-sand flow behaviors in a dual fluidized bed cold flow system
Cong-Binh Dinh, Shu-San Hsiau, Chien-Yuan Su, Yi-Shun Chen and Hou-Peng Wan
“Research motivation” of this research is to study the unsteady characteristics of the air-silica sand flow in a lab-scale dual fluidized bed gasification cold flow system and investigate the influences of crucial parameters on the system hydrodynamics. “Research method” is to develop a two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics full-loop model with poly-size distribution in solid phases and carry out the corresponding experiments for validating the simulation results. The “Results” indicate that the mixture static pressure decreases from the bottom to the upper regions of the system, which maintains the system operations stable. The riser air inlet velocity and the gasifier static bed height are found to play significant roles in enhancing the total sand flow rates. In addition, the same tendencies in the prediction and experiment of both the mixture pressure and the sand flow rate show the feasibility of the proposed model. Moreover, undesirable phenomena possibly occurring in the system operation under improper conditions can also be predicted. It is noted in the “Conclusion” that the inventory of bed material and the fluidizing gas flow rates should be suitably regulated to maintain pressure balances, trouble-free continuous flow, optimal sand circulation rate, and low solids loss. The obtained results of this study can be further used as a reference for optimizing the designs and operational conditions of large-scale plants.
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