0285 利用基因演算法於聲子晶體能隙及聲波整流之最佳化設計
Shiang-Chi Chang, Chi-Wei Liu and I-Ling Chang
聲波整流的應用極為廣泛,舉凡噪音、隔震、語音信號的處理或者醫療超聲波成像等領域皆有應用,聲波二極體可做為整流之用,已有許多學者提出不同的方法來實現,例如繞射結構、超穎介面…等,本研究主要透過在平板製作聲子晶體結構,利用基因演算法在平板上找尋最佳化聲子晶體設計,尋找寬頻且低頻的聲子能隙,包括完全能隙(Full band gap)以及部分能隙(Partial band gap),並利用圓洞型聲子晶體的部分能隙在平板上設計聲波二極體結構實現聲波整流,並透過陶瓷壓電片超聲波換能器量測系統進行實驗方面量測與驗證。
本研究使用多重物理量分析軟體COMSOL Multiphysics對聲子晶體中單位晶格進行頻帶結構分析、特徵頻率及模態的計算,藉由模態判斷可將傳遞波分類為對稱/反對稱蘭姆波及非蘭姆波,結合基因演算法進行單位晶格的最佳化,達成設定頻帶間完全能隙及部分能隙最大化,主要針對對稱蘭姆波之能隙,並透過實際結構的全波模擬計算穿透率。最後利用陶瓷壓電片式換能器量測系統對蘭姆波在週期結構平板上的波傳行為進行量測與分析,並與模擬結果相互比較。在實驗上發現經過聲子晶體結構與無結構均質平板之波傳訊號相較,可清楚的觀察到聲子晶體的能隙現象;在聲波二極體試片的量測中,比較左、右兩方向入射結構的波穿透率差異不大,實驗上觀察發現整流效果不佳,推測是週期性結構的排數不足導致能隙現象不明顯;在量測完全能隙最佳化試片與模擬吻合且與圓洞型試片穿透率相比,觀察到能隙頻寬可有效提升。
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0301 以非平衡態分子動力學探討石墨烯同調傳輸
偉耀 洪, 奇臨 吳 and 怡玲 張
在結果中發現到圓孔聲子晶體存在同調傳輸現象,且此現象是由縱向模態 0~8THz的聲子貢獻,但是當結構長度過短或過長時則無法觀察此現象。另外也發現了些微的缺陷對熱傳導係數與同調傳輸有劇烈的影響以及不規則排列的聲子晶體也能抑制同調傳輸。
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0261 利用人工智慧擬合熱電高熵合金勢能
郁庭 黃, 怡瑄 邱, 祐儀 林, 友杰 羅, 年棣 鄒 and 安正 楊
碲化鉛PbTe是近年十分有潛力的中溫熱電材料,具有自然廢熱能收集、再生的特性,但因較低熱電優質(zT)限制其應用。而有效提高熱電優質的其中一個方法是使材料熱傳導係數降低,因此近年研究者開始參雜Ga於中溫型熱電材料PbTe,使其成為高熵合金材料並降低其熱傳導係數。此種複雜新穎的材料希望能透過計算模擬的方式,加速探索其最佳組成設計。平衡與非平衡態分子動力學法(EMD & NEMD)有機會計算參雜不同比例Ga三元熱電材料的熱傳導係數,然而,目前缺乏完整、可信的三元熱電材料勢能 (Potential energy)來描述計算原子間的作用力。因此本研究利用人工神經網絡(ANN)來擬合二元與三元熱電材料勢能,並進一步計算相關性質以驗證勢能準確性。人工神經網絡的優點主要為快速、準確,且不受系統大小的影響,因此可以用來取代具有高準確度的第一原理計算,並加速其計算成本過高的缺點。首先,我們以第一原理計算產生多筆結果數據庫作為ANN訓練資料集。其中,二元與三元材料資料庫分別由150個PbTe晶格結構(包含參雜缺陷)和300個PbTeGa晶格結構(參雜1~2Ga原子)組成。上述晶格結構與其藉由第一原理計算獲得的對應能量、原子力搭配提供給人工神經網絡訓練學習。於二元熱電材料PbTe部分,我們使用A neural network potential package (n2p2) 程式,並運用擬合出的勢能函數接續進行分子動力學(MD)模擬預測材料相關性質。上述得出的結果相關性質,如彈性模量,與Material project提供的實際理論值誤差在6%內,且計算得出的材料微結構穩定、晶格體積能量曲線亦與第一原理計算吻合。證明人工神經網絡有能力藉由局部原子環境的特徵連結材料的勢能和力,並成功有效擬合出PbTe二元熱電材料的勢能。本研究進一步延伸至三元熱電材料PbTeGa,並提出純元素、二元、三元材料分次訓練的擬合方法。藉由已經確認準確之既有純元素、二元材料之擬合參數訓練下,提高三元材料預測勢能的準確性。擬合得出的材料相關性質之誤差與改進將被深入討論,並探討不同材料參雜比例熱傳導係數計算之可行性。預計對於PbTeGa三元熱電材料之研究與發展有所助益。
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0077 Investigation of Shear-Band Evolution Based on the Particle-Based Method at Different Simulation Scales
Yu-Chen Su and Zhen Chen
Both discrete and continuous spatial-discretization methods are commonly used for model-based simulation of failure evolution. The Material Point Method (MPM) is a continuum-based particle method in which a suitable constitutive model is required to describe the interactions among different particles (material points) and mainly formulated based on the weak form of the governing differential equations in a way similar to the finite element method. Due to the common advantages of particle-based methods, MPM has been widely adopted to analyze the problems involving large deformations. In contrast to the MPM, Molecular dynamics (MD) is a discrete numerical approach in which interatomic forces are used to determine the time evolution of an atomic or molecular system based on statistical mechanics. Over the past several decades, MD has become a popular numerical approach in atomic simulations. However, MD would take lots of computational resources with a large-number-atom simulation. For saving the computational resources, coarse-grained MD (CG-MD) has been developed by subsuming several atoms into a single effective particle. In this conference, we’ll first present some recent comparative findings on shear band evolution in a slope-failure copper specimen with the use of MPM, CG-MD, and all-atom MD to show the failure evolution associated with different scales. Second, a series of sensitivity analyses of the MD and CG-MD simulations will also be presented. In this part, a random number seed and a relaxation parameter, both appear in the isothermal equations of motion, will also be discussed to show the run-to-run consistency and thermostat effect, respectively.
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0183 Effects of Grain sizes on Mechanical Behaviors of Nanoglasses from the Kinetic Monte Carlo Mesoscale Model
Chih-Jen Yeh, Yu-Chieh Lo and Chang-Wei Huang
The most intrinsic way to improve the ductility of amorphous alloy is to impede the occurrences of shear bands. A new conceptual amorphous alloy, nanoglass (NG), which is composed of grains with glassy interfaces has gotten numerous attractions. Simulations and experiments have also shown that NGs possess more ability to accommodate plasticity deformation rather than metallic glasses (MGs). To investigate the effects of grain sizes on mechanical behaviors of NGs, we develop a kinetic Monte Carlo mesoscale model. In our model, eigenstrains with Gaussian distribution are utilized to characterize the plastic strains of amorphous alloy. Moreover, a new softening mechanism which increases the standard deviations of eigenstrains in local shear transformation zones (STZ) is proposed to decrease the activation barriers of STZs. Numerical results reveal that the ductilities of NGs are dominated by grain sizes. The flow stress in the stress-strain curve drops from severely to gradually decreasing the grain size. In addition, the strain distribution of NGs transforms from a single shear band to homogenous deformation when the grain sizes decreased.
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