0018 Effective Properties and Responses of Hybrid Magnetostrictive Composites
Ying-Ru Lu and Chien-hong Lin
This study presents a hybrid unit-cell micromechnaics model for estimating the effective properties and responses of hybrid magnetostrictive composites. Micromechanics model is first used to obtain the effective linear magnetostrictive properties and responses of a hybrid magnetostrictive composite which is consists of fiber and modified matrix. Furthermore, providing experimental validation in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the proposed micromechanics model.
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0019 Analysis of Hysteretic Behavior of Smart 2-2 Composites
Yu-Cheng Hung and Chien-hong Lin
This study presents a micromechanics approach together with nonlinear rate-dependent constitutive model for estimating the effective hysteretic response of piezoelectric 2-2 composites. The linearized micromechanical relations would generally violate the overall nonlinear constitutive behavior. Using iterative schemes can correct errors from linearizing the nonlinear responses. The nonlinear rate-dependent constitutive model can capture the experimental data of bulk lead zirconate titanate (PZT-5A1). Parametric studies are conducted to illustrate the micromechanical predictions of 2-2 composites.
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0020 Overall Properties of 1-3 Composites: A Review of Micromechanics Models
Chung-Yi Lin and Chien-hong Lin
This study presents a review of several micromechanics models for determine overall properties of glass/epoxy fiber reinforced composite material. The main goal is to compare the performance of each model and analyze the limitations of these models. A validation provided by comparing experimental data with the predicted results of micromechanics models.
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0113 盤式與立式成型铣齒對外齒輪幾何精度誤差之影響
東檉 趙,
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0153 運用動態吸振器於CNC工具機切削刀具的振動力學分析與研究
Han You
切削技術為加工產業最常見的加工技術之一,除了機台的選擇外,刀具的選用以及設計也很重要,搪孔為內徑切削重要的一環,尤其為深孔切削,在組裝時如需有精密的配合,則需用到搪孔的技術,以做出精密尺寸的孔,由於搪孔刀具的動態剛性較低,所以前幾個模態會落在較低頻區,在加工時容易引起振顫,本論文針對各個搪刀來探討比對其模態振型、波特圖(Bode plot)。第一部份先由文獻探討吸振器於搪刀之理論及效果,作為探討各搪刀減振設計之依據,並經由ANSYS WORKBENCH去進行模擬分析,分析搪刀的模態振型,為敲擊實驗的數據作為依據,第二部份比較三種不同尺寸的阻尼器在相同搪桿內的波特圖,然後以ANSYS理論模態與ME'Scope實驗模態作對比,為之後搪刀設計的依據。
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0230 一種雙軸運動系統
春熺 蘇 and 柏廷 郭
基於Universal stage應用於偏光顯微鏡作為觀測檢測物各方向角度的手動調整平台的設計啟發,本文利用Solidwork進行機構設計與模擬來整合此平台所具有的雙軸旋轉功能以及直流電機的優勢,使顯微鏡下手動調整來使用的機構,變成具有自動追蹤、定位、投影、雷射等相關功能的搭載平台。本文設計應用於雷射雕刻工作上,使雷射雕刻可於三維空間中進行使用。
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