0007 A Locking-Free Variational Multiscale Meshfree Method for Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problems
Tsung-Hui (Alex) Huang
The Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation in the thin-plate limit will encounter the well-known shear-locking phenomenon that must be overcome. The meshfree nodal integration can easily handle the locking issue, but it may suffer from zero and low energy instability. Although the conventional domain-subdivision-based or nodal gradient-based stabilization can avoid the low energy instability, they may cause the violation of the bending exactness (BE) in the Galerkin framework. In this study, a variational multiscale stabilized locking-free meshfree formulation is introduced for modeling Reissner-Mindlin plate problems under arbitrary plate thickness. Under this framework, the plate quantities are decoupled into coarse-scale and fine-scale components in the variational equations, where the fine-scale solution represents a correction to the residual of the coarse-scale equations that can be solved by an effective collocation-type approach with an approximation method meeting locking free conditions. The substitution of fine-scale solutions in the coarse-scale system leads to a residual-based Galerkin formulation. In the proposed framework, the reproducing kernel (RK) approximation, as well as the smoothed gradient and divergence, are adopted to ensure the bending exactness in the Galerkin formulation. The multiscale approach is also beneficial for problems exhibiting localized phenomena. The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested by solving a series of numerical examples and compared with classical methods.
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0011 無網格與無限元素混合法於非傅立葉熱傳
A coupled meshfree and infinite element approach for non-Fourier heat conduction problems
Kuan-Chung Lin
在處理無限介質中邊界為無限遠之問題,例如土壤結構,長形結構等,若想達到精確之模擬結果,通常需要使用相當大的模型尺寸,非常耗時。而常用之數值模擬方法,例如邊界元素法(Boundary Element Method, BEM)與無限元素法(Infinite Element Methods, IEM)的發展有效地將模擬範圍濃縮,解決了模擬尺度過大而降低運算速度的問題。若想與其他數值方法搭配形成混合法時,例如有限元素法[1]及無網格法[2],無限元素法為第一首選,其中最重要的原因為無限元素法為有限元素法之衍生方法,仍然屬於網格法,不同處在於使用特殊網格及波傳函數建立形函數,並不會增加整體勁度矩陣自由度。而有限元素法與無網格法之自由度相同,所以在使用無網格法時搭配無限元素時仍然保持原有自由度大小,如此一來,不僅能擁有無網格法的不受網格限制特性也能擁有無限元素法的濃縮計算尺度便利性,有效地增加運算速度。無網格法中最廣為使用之再生核質點法(Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, RKPM)為數值工具,本研究利用RKPM與點積搭配為最簡單快速之積分方法,不過在數值積分存在積分誤差,此為無網格法其中一項需改善處,可利用變分一致性積分法(Variational Consistent Integration, VCI)[3] 以及自然穩定點積分法(Naturally Stable Nodal Integration, NSNI)[4] 提高精度及穩定度。本研究透過非傅立葉熱傳問題驗證無網格與無限元素混和法的精確性及穩定性,數值結果穩定並與解析解相符。本案開發之技術亦能應用於無限域分析、耦合工程問題分析等研究領域。
[1] K. C.Lin, H. H.Hung, J. P.Yang, and Y. B.Yang, “Seismic analysis of underground tunnels by the 2.5 D finite/infinite element approach,” Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., vol. 85, pp. 31–43, 2016.
[2] Y. B.Yang, H.-H.Hung, K.-C.Lin, and K.-W.Cheng, “Dynamic response of elastic half-space with cavity subjected to P and SV waves by finite/infinite element approach,” Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn., vol. 15, no. 07, p. 1540009, 2015.
[3] J.-S.Chen, M.Hillman, and M.Rüter, “An arbitrary order variationally consistent integration for Galerkin meshfree methods,” Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 387–418, 2013, doi: 10.1002/nme.4512.
[4] M.Hillman and J.-S.Chen, “An accelerated, convergent, and stable nodal integration in Galerkin meshfree methods for linear and nonlinear mechanics,” Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 2015.
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0059 The Generalized Finite Difference Method for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations depicting Transitional Flow
C.Y. Lin, C.M. Fan and M.H. Gu
Meshless method has been one of the focus in the development of numerical simulations. Various novel methods kept springing up during the past few decades, and one of which is the generalized finite difference method (GFDM). The GFDM has been proven to have the capability to simulate wave propagation, material deformation, crack development, etc., and has been implemented in surface/ground water, functionally graded materials, arterial plaques, etc. In order to further extend the field of applications for GFDM into high-Reynolds number flow, we seeks to verify the potential of such implementation via a couple of benchmark tests for incompressible fluid, the cavity flow test and the backward facing step test. The approach for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is the combination of the Chorin’s projection method, a time-marching approach of explicit Euler method, and the GFDM is adopted for spatial discretization. Both tests have achieved considerably accurate solution while comparing with reference data, with the cavity flow comparing the velocity profile up to Re=20,000, and the backward facing step comparing the separation/reattachment point up to Re=2,800. The solutions have not only show highly accurate match for the laminar flows, but has also be able to depict certain characteristic of transitional flow. Such result demonstrates the accuracy of GFDM for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, along with the reliability of depicting transitional flows, indicating the potential of GFDM in solving fully turbulent flow.
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0162 以IB-LBM探討翅膀撓性對撲翼飛行升阻力之影響
Jhu-Syuan Sie and Chih-Hung Chen
在模擬撲翼飛行的設定中,由於需要考慮到翅膀的形變與流場的條件,所以流體模擬的部分採用lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)並使用immersed boundary method(IBM)描述流固耦合的部分,因此IB-LBM模型能夠有效的描述翅膀形變與渦流的交互作用。當昆蟲飛行時,翅膀平移能提供飛行所需的升力,但在旋轉階段翅膀沒有平移,需透過尾流捕捉補足欠缺的大部分升力,因此我們以尾流捕捉作為主要研究目標並將其簡化成二維形式,透過將翅膀三維衝程簡化為以翼弦表示的二維衝程,我們可以觀察到尾流捕捉的發生也可以加快模擬的進行。
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0166 結合人工智慧多尺度法與等參幾何法用於船體結構破壞強度分析
張 凱程, 盧 德權 and 關 百宸
當結構中存在微裂縫時,其應力應變關係會因裂縫的成長而有高度非等向性和非線性的行為,而無法以一般簡化的材料模型進行模擬,因此,大多採用多尺度分析(Multi-scale analysis)來捕捉結構中局部的非線性力學行為,多尺度分析分為同步式(Concurrent method)與階層式(Hierarchical method)兩種,近年因人工智慧與機器學習的發展,使階層式成為多尺度分析中最有效率的方法。本研究利用機器學習以及神經網路來連結不同尺度下的力學行為,在階層式多尺度分析的架構下,模擬結構受到微裂縫影響時的應力應變關係。
多尺度分析分為兩種尺度:在微觀尺度下,本研究採用近場動力學(Peridynamics, PD)可以準確描述裂縫的特性,建立代表體積單元(Representative volume element, RVE)資料庫,資料庫涵蓋不同裂縫角度以及複雜受力下的應力應變關係,在宏觀尺度下,等參幾何法(Isogeometric analysis, IGA)被用來建立結構幾何與連體力學分析,等參幾何法採用與電腦輔助設計(CAD)相同的近似函數NURBS,避免了在重建幾何時所造成的近似誤差,更完整地描述結構的高階曲面特徵。透過訓練代表體積單元資料庫,本研究將神經網路視為一個在不同尺度間,傳遞物理量的複雜材料本構模型。其中,設計了三個神經網路模型應用於多尺度分析中,分別為:多目標裂縫角度分類模型、應力回歸模型以及損壞回歸模型。當微裂縫產生時,起始裂縫角度由第一組神經網路模型預測,並輸入另外兩組神經網路獲得相對應的應力增量以及損壞指標,並在時間積分中,即時更新每個積分點上的應力張量與損壞指標。
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0232 一種基於類神經網路之無網格深度能量法於模擬超彈性材料
Tsung-Yeh Hsieh, Yan-Zhen Chen, Tsung-Hui Huang, Cheng-Che Tung and Po-Yu Chen
隨著近年來工程問題的複雜度不斷上升,以數值方法求解偏微分方程式已經是工程科學的主要途徑,有限元素法(Finite Element Method, FEM)、無網格法[1]或等參幾何分析[2](Isogeometric Analysis)等方法陸續被導入求解工程問題,即使這些方法已成功應用於許多複雜問題中,但是對於高維度問題、多物理現象或劣置方程式無法有效率的得到穩健的數值解,傳統的網格類型方法在極端邊界條件下也容易出現求解器無法收斂的問題。在此篇研究中,我們研究並改善了一種基於類神經網路的無網格模擬方法以模擬超彈性材料,稱作深度能量法(Deep Energy Method, DEM)[3]。在此法架構下物質會離散成不同物質點,其點座標與位移被視作類神經網路的輸入與輸出,而透過位移計算該材料的總位能並加入邊界配置點之誤差作為總損失回傳至類神經網路中;類神經網路的訓練則是透過最小化總損失來求解一個使物體在滿足邊界條件的情況下同時達到能量最低點的點對點映射特徵。由於該法不需要構建結構網格,因此可以視為一種透過深度學習的無網格法。同時也因為使用最小化總能的途徑求解,該法改善了傳統有限元素法在非線性大變形情況下無法收斂的問題;我們也針對了現有的架構進行神經網路、數值積分與微分等面向之優化,使該法能夠更穩定地模擬超彈性材料問題。最後,我們也將透過一系列經典例題演練去驗證此方法的有效性以及穩健性。此透過類神經網路以及最低能量進行計算的方法能夠為極端條件下的模擬提供新的研究途徑。
[1] J. S. Chen, M. Hillman and S.-W. Chi, "Meshfree methods: progress made after 20 years. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143.4 (2017): 04017001.
[2] Hughes, Thomas JR, John A. Cottrell, and Yuri Bazilevs. "Isogeometric analysis: CAD, finite elements, NURBS, exact geometry and mesh refinement." Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194.39-41 (2005): 4135-4195.
[3] Nguyen-Thanh, Vien Minh, Xiaoying Zhuang, and Timon Rabczuk. "A deep energy method for finite deformation hyperelasticity." European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 80 (2020): 103874.
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