0177 Use of AI and machine learning for efficient growth of high-quality single-wall carbon nanotubes
Torbjörn Nordling and Shemon Baptiste
Optimisation of the growth conditions for manufacturing of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) was challenging until recent demonstration of “High-throughput screening and machine learning for the efficient growth of high-quality single-wall carbon nanotubes” by Ji et al. 2021 in Nano Research (DOI:10.1007/s12274-021-3387-y). The high-throughput screening of growth conditions was conducted by depositing patterned cobalt (Co) nanoparticles on a marked silicon wafer catalysts and varying the temperature, reduction time, carbon precursor, and growth time during chemical vapor deposition. The quality (crystallinity) of the SWCNTs was characterised by the G/D peak intensity (IG/ID) measured by Raman spectroscopy. 1664 samples were used to train and validate machine learning models for prediction of the quality resulting from a particular combination of growth parameters. Here, we expand the work and train an artificial neural network with improved prediction accuracy. The quality depends on the growth parameters in a non-linear fashion with multiple local optima, explaining why it is so hard to optimise the growth conditions without machine learning. With AI growth conditions for high-quality SWCNTs were identified.
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0228 Numerical Investigation on the Powder Entrainment, Denudation, and Spattering in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Trong-Nhan Le, Yu-Lung Lo and Zih-Ching Chuang
In the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) process, the interactions between the metal vapor dynamics, induced gas flow dynamics, and the dynamics of the powder particles play an essential role in dictating the printability, stability, and quality of the built process. Complex phenomena such as the powder entrainment, spattering, and the powder bed denudation have significant effects on the roughness of the printed surface, porosity of the built part, and even the success of the printing process. However, very few efforts have been reported on studying those factors and their influences. In this study, a comprehensive three-dimensional (3D) CFD-DEM coupled simulation is proposed to study the induced particle dynamics under the effects of the metal vapor spouting during the process of the single scan track. The model proposed in this work has the capability to consider non-conventional process variables such as the chamber pressure or the gravitational force to study their effects on spatter and denudation suppressions. In addition, the 3D model provides the ability to study physical phenomena that are very difficult to measure via experimental approach such as the induced gas flow velocity surrounding the metal vapor hole and the velocity and temperature of the entrained particles. Beside the capability to simulate the powder entrainment, spatter and denudation formation, to our best knowledge, the highly comprehensive model proposed in this study is the first 3D model that has a more realistic initial condition of the powder bed and the metal vapor compared to other 3D model proposed in literature, and the first model that can mimic the powder absorption of the melt-pool.
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0090 Pragmatic Model for Finding Optimal Processing Conditions for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process
Hong-Chuong Tran and Yu-Lung Lo
Relying on experimental trial and error for finding optimal parameters that can produce fully dense IN718 components is expensive and time consuming. The present study built up a simulation package including micro-scale simulation, part scale simulation to guide the choice of processing parameters to produce high density component in SLM process. The suggested parameters from simulation model are used to fabricate the 3D part in SLM process and the density of fabricated part is measured by using both Archimedes and microscopy method. It is observed that the density of fabricated part can reach 99.9 % by using just one experiment. Thus the time and cost can reduce significantly.
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0170 番茄採收之影像辨識
季廷 蔡 and 國興 潘
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