0240 Integrated analysis detection microchip platform for determination of sodium dehydroacetate in food
Szu-Jui Chen and Lung-Ming Fu
Sodium dehydroacetate (NADH) has good antibacterial effects and is widely used as a preservative in dairy products. However, NADH is toxic in large amounts, so it must be added to food in accordance with regulations. Accordingly, the current study has developed a microfluidic analysis detection (MAD) system for the determination of NADH in foods incorporating a microfluidic PMMA-paper chip and a smart analysis device. In this system, the extracted NADH sample is dropped into the sample chamber of the microfluidic PMMA-paper chip and is then wicking/filtering through paper strips and transferred to a detection zone embedded with Fe-Alum reagent. The chip is heated at 35°C for 5 min to produce a compound reaction and the color compound image acquired by a camera is then transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone, where the NADH concentration is obtained by the intensity inversion of RGB analysis. A standard calibration curve is determined using NADH control samples with concentrations in the range of 30~5000 ppm. The feasibility of the proposed MAD system is then evaluated by analyzing the NADH concentrations of 15 commercial dairy products. It is shown that the measured values deviate from those obtained using an official high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method by no more than 5.0%.
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0241 Novel rapid chromatography detection system for determination of artificial sweeteners in food
Chien-Hsuan Ko and Lung-Ming Fu
Artificial sweeteners are often used by food manufacturers as a low-calorie alternative to sugar. However, an excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners can be harmful to human health. Consequently, their concentration in foods and beverages must be carefully controlled. The current study therefore proposes a microfluidic chromatography detection (MCD) system for the simultaneous concentration determination of two common sweeteners, namely saccharin sodium (SAC) and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). In the proposed system, the sample is dropped on the MCD chip with a developing solution consisting of DI water, ethyl acetate, acetic acid and ethanol the chip is then placed in a UV microanalysis device. After allowing sufficient time for the developing solution to separate the SAC and Ace-K sweeteners from the interfering substances, the chip is illuminated by a 254-nm ultraviolet lamp and captured by a CMOS camera. Then wirelessly transfer the captured image to a smartphone, where the Ace-K or SAC sweetener concentration is derived using self-developed chromatography analysis app on the smartphone. Results obtained using control samples with known SAC and Ace-K concentrations show that the current MCD system provides a reliable detection performance for both sweeteners over the concentration range of 50~2000 ppm. Furthermore, the detection results obtained for the concentrations of SAC and Ace-K in 16 commercial food samples are within 6.3% of those obtained using a traditional macroscale HPLC system
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0273 以物理實驗探討筒倉鳴音的現象
庭瑋 李, 哲瑋 劉 and 雲吉 鍾
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0278 應用阻尼顆粒進行馬達轉子動平衡之實驗驗證
妮佑 柯, 育仁 吳 and 雲吉 鍾
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0296 摻雜Mo元素對Zr:ZnO多層膜之光電性質的特性研究
采丹 張,
此研究使用RF射頻磁控濺鍍(Radio-Frequency magnetron sputtering)將純度為99.99%的摻鋯氧化鋅(Zr:ZnO)以不同參數沉積於玻璃基板,其中鋯的摻雜量為5wt%,氧化層沉積後再以DC直流濺鍍(DC magnetron sputtering)將純度為99.95%之鉬金屬沉積於氧化層夾層,形成三明治結構之多層膜。而後探討兩種不同金屬層之雙層及三層結構經退火處理後,其薄膜的電性能、光學性能、表面特性、品質因素及結構分析。多層膜在金屬層為鉬時最好的電性為退火溫度為200°C時的1.08×10-2 Ω-cm多層膜的光學性質皆隨退火溫度上升而提高,而品質因素部分則以在Lt.ZZO參數的1.94×10-5 Ω-1為最佳。
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0311 有限元素分析蜂巢材料的降伏面
Chang-Yun Yang and Li-Wei Liu
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