0333 以大渦流模擬法分析層化異重流的混合機制
GEWEI SU and Ching-Sen Wu
台灣的氣候變化較大,當颱風及暴雨帶來大量降雨時,上游處經常會遭大雨不斷侵蝕導致土石鬆落進而掉入河道中形成渾水潭,渾水運移時會因懸浮物質造成流體呈一垂直壓力梯度的非均質分佈,此現象稱之為層化異重流。本研究為了解異重流的各種層化形貌,以利減緩異重流沉降於水庫,導致水庫泥砂淤積日益嚴重的問題,透過狹長型的定界交換水槽實驗模擬實際河道的形貌,並利用染劑區別不同密度的釋放源並依照密度順序進行疊加,使影像顯示不同初始條件下的運動形貌及頭端位置,而初始條件則會隨著兩個主要配比參數而有所變化,其一為重力驅動比(B*),B*值越大時為上層釋放源驅動,其二為初始釋放源密度差異比(R*),R*值越大時,表示越趨近於均質,因此兩層重流體混合較為顯著。由於整體釋放源與環境流體之密度差異較小,因此數值模擬中引入布氏假設(Boussinesq approximation)於納維爾-史托克斯方程組(Navier-Stokes equations),而為了使運算時間可大幅縮減,因此加入大渦流紊流模式(Large-eddy Simulations)進行演算。藉由演算獲致的流場資訊可進而推估層化異重流運移過程中的能量收支(Energy Budget),搭配實驗影像資料判斷產生混合的機制及範圍。本研究將採用Winters (1995)所提出的有效位能(Available Potential Energy)及背景位能(Background Potential Energy)的概念量化其混合程度。於每一暫態時間重新排列層化異重流的網格的密度值分佈,從中得出混合最劇烈的時段並與能量圖上的起伏變化與實驗進行比對。此外,該分析也可探討層化異重流所衍生出Kelvin–Helmholtz的流體不穩定混合機制。研究中,依照演化過程及混合機制大致可分為四種不同的層化流況,從影像中發現流體躍過、侵入以及混合等現象,並利用該分析預測異重流於河道中的沉積之過程。
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0046 Magnetic Effect on Gas Diffusion Phenomena for Flow from a Stretching Surface
Jian-Sheng Huang
A study of the magnetic effect on heat and mass transfer by mixed convection flow from a linearly stretching surface is reported considering thermophoretic effect as well. In this study, the flow field was modeled as two dimensional, incompressible, and steady-state laminar flow. The similarity transformation and numerical techniques are used to solve governing equations include mass, momentum, energy and concentration. The solutions are obtained by fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration method with shooting scheme. The results include Hydrogen (H2) , Oxygen (O2) , and Carbon dioxide (CO2) gases velocity, temperature and concentration profiles under different variable Hartmann number (Ha), Richardson number (Ri), Eckert number (Ec), and Schmidt number (Sc).
The conclusions could be summarized as: 1. The larger magnetic effect Ha decrease the velocity profile, whereas increase the thermal and concentration profile due to the enhancing Lorentz force. 2. The larger Ri increase the velocity profile but decrease the thermal and concentration profile due to larger ratio of buoyancy compared to stretching velocity. 3. The larger Ec increase the thermal profile due to larger ratio of stretching velocity compared to temperature difference. 4. The concentration profile decrease with increasing Sc correspond to the lower gas mass diffusivity.
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0049 艦艇上層空氣尾流場數值模擬及特性分析
Chia-Te Liao and Reui-Kuo Lin
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0127 Magnetic Effect and Temperature-dependent Viscosity on Aerosol Particle Deposition Mechanism for Flow over a Stretching Surface
Jian-Sheng Huang
A study of aerosol particle deposition rate affected by magnetic effect and variable viscosity onto a stretching surface is proposed considering the thermophoresis as well. The interactive effects among different transport mechanisms are proved to be very important for particle deposition rate. In this study, the air flow is modeled as two dimensional, incompressible, and steady-state laminar flow. The similarity transformation and numerical techniques are used to solve governing equations include mass, momentum, energy and concentration fields. The solutions are obtained by fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration method with shooting scheme. The particle deposition velocity (Vd) could be calculated after solving the concentration equations. The magnetic effect parameter (M), variable viscosity parameter (θr), and Richardson number (Ri) are selected to discuss the results among the effects. As the coupled effects are considered, we can find that particle deposition velocity increase with the increasing magnetic effect, M as dp<0.1μm; but decrease with increasing, M as dp>0.1μm. One the other hand, the deposition velocity increase with the decreasing θr in the range of selected particle size. Furthermore, the deposition velocity increase with the increasing Ri in the range of selected particle size as well due to the enhancement of compared ratio of buoyancy force versus to stretching velocity.
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0246 以 CFD 探討鋸峰齒鯊魚於水中行進對嗅覺影響之先期研究
林 鏵楟, 黃 嫚翎 and 王 威翔
由於最初之模型僅有魚頭部分,因此於鼻腔中加入層狀結構通道。進行數值模擬時,網格的品質與粗細將影響模擬結果,且本研究所使用的鯊魚模型具有複雜的曲面構造,容易在模型壁面處產生品質較差的網格,因此會以Building Cube Method(BCM)進行網格建構。完成模型與網格的建立後,運用三種不同外觀之模型進行 CFD 模擬並比較其流場,得到柱狀加長之模型較能呈現真實流場。再通過對鼻腔區域建置不同大小之網格的測試結果,發現網格大小為0.092mm 時,即可呈現鼻腔內完整的水流流動狀況。最後由柱狀加長搭配最小尺寸為0.092mm之網格所進行的CFD模擬結果顯示,鼻腔內之主要通道的流速是由前端往末端遞減,而層狀結構通道中的流速是由入口端往末端遞減。
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0321 Effect of relative humidity on respiratory droplet transport produced by coughing and sneezing
JiaHuan Li and Kuang C. Lin
The transport of human expiratory droplets plays a critical role in the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases. Although the transport mechanism has been extensively studied in the past, there has been little investigation into the ambient relative humidity effect on droplet travelling distance. Motivated by this consideration, an analytical approach is proposed to study the transport and dispersion of human expiratory droplets. In this study, the human violent exhaled activity was modelled by turbulence round jet model. The effect of turbulence fluctuation on droplet dispersion was modelled by a discrete random walk model. The particle reach probability is analyzed to evaluate the droplet travelling distance. The droplet transport distribution is unveiled in a series of scenarios of different exhaled activities. The environmental conditions showed the sensitive impact on droplet transport. The large droplets (>100 μm) fall to the ground before evaporating to droplet nuclei whereas the small droplets (<10 μm) dry out before hitting the ground. Increasing the ambient relative humidity will significantly decrease the droplet reach distance. The present model could be applied to determine the indoor social distance during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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