0013 二氧化碳地質封存過程多孔介質中部分溶解對流數值模擬
倩 李 and 慶耀 陳
在CO2地質封存過程中,超臨界CO2與地下鹵水在地層深處的復雜流動過程屬於多孔介質內流動。為了研究CO2在地質封存中與鹵水相互作用的復雜擴散和流動過程,對多孔介質中自由界面上的溶解驅動對流進行了數值模擬。采用Darcy-Cahn-Hilliard模型,結合特殊的密度和亥姆霍茲自由能分布,實現了兩種流體形成清晰界面的部分互溶特徵。采用高精度緊致有限差分格式,結合偽譜方法,模擬了二維多孔介質中的對流流動。通過與Hele–Shaw Cell的實驗結果進行對比,驗證了該數值方法的準確性。通過與完全互溶模擬結果的對比,證明了該方法可以獲得穩定的自由界面。數值模擬采用瑞利數(Rayleighnumber)在4.3×103 ~1.6 × 104範圍內進行。在此基礎上,分析了流型演變過程中羽流(plume)形成、羽流生長、羽流合並,羽流穩定和羽流衰減五個階段。測量了溶解速率的發展過程,可分為擴散、流量增長、合並、穩定流量和羽流衰減5個階段,分別對應於界面上羽流的演化和濃度分布。最後,將溶解速率分為自由對流、約束對流和羽流衰減三個階段。在自由對流階段內,溶解速率隨瑞利數的增加而減小,可以用指數公式Fs+=0.0198 + 2.59Ra−0.667表示,其中常數項為對流效應貢獻,指數項為擴散效應貢獻。而在約束對流和羽流衰減階段,溶解速率與瑞利數無關。在約束對流階段溶解速率隨時間變化大約保持在一個固定值0.0234。而在羽流衰減階段,溶解速率隨時間呈下降趨勢。羽流衰減階段溶解速率的模化過程,結合雙側Rayleigh-B´enard單元穩定對流的無因次流量的相關公式,得到無因溶解速率公式為Fs+=(he/cm)A(2A(t−6.6)+ 0.0394−2)−3/2。在系數A中加入修正因子a來表示底邊界的阻隔效應,模型公式可以準確地預測CO2在鹽水中的溶解速率和溶解量。
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0023 Modeling the Sediment-Related Hazardous Flows over Rugged Topography --- Terrain-fitted or Cartesian Coordinate system?
Yih-Chin Tai, Chi-Jyun Ko, Ching-Yuan Ma and Hock-Liet Wong
Modeling the Sediment-related hazardous flows is often a challenging task, because of the complex composition in the flow body and of the non-trivial flow paths the rugged topographies in the mountain area. In the approach by continuum mechanics, the models can be divided into three groups:
(a) Single-phase models
(b) Two-phase (quasi-two-phase or two-phase) models
(c) Multi-phase models
Among them, the single-phase models are the most popular and widely employed in engineering applications for hazard assessment. However, for the complexity of composition, its rheological behavior is highly non-linear and significantly different to the conventional Newtonian one. In the two-phase approach, the flow body is supposed to be composed of fluid and solid constituent. In the quasi-two-phase models, the relative velocity between the two constituents is assumed to be very small and the impacts of relative velocity between the phases are assumed to be negligible, so that only the coupled mixture momentum equation is present in the resultant model equations. As a matter of course, this kind of models is not able to describe the phenomenon of phase separation. By contrast, conservation of momentum for each phase is considered in the two-phase models. But there are apparently more equations to be evaluated. Taking into account the various concentration of the fine clay in the interstitial fluid in the fluid phase, the multi-phase models is proposed, where the individual velocity of the fine particles can be considered or assumed to be suspended in the fluid.
Most of the research concerning sediment-related hazardous flows focus on the rheological behaviors, i.e. the constitutive relations. In addition to the depth-averaged process for a high computational efficiency in hazard assessments, the model equations are mainly given in the Cartesian coordinates, where the down-slope direction is either horizontal or inclined with an angle to the horizon. However, the surface in mountain area is rugged and non-trivial, yielding the challenge of finding the appropriate coordinate system on the irregularly curved surface. The first trial is the introduction of a simple reference surface coinciding with the coordinate axes, above which shallow topography is added (Savage & Hutter, 1991; Koch et al., 1994; Gray et al., 1999). This concept has been improved by a curved and twisted coordinate system (Pudasaini & Hutter, 2003), where the valley is mimicked by a curved and twisted reference surface with the talweg lying on the projection of the master curve on the reference surface. The first complex curvilinear coordinates (terrain-fitted coordinate system) for arbitrary topography is proposed by Bouchut & Westdickenberg (2004). Integrating the unified coordinate method (Hui, 2004; Hui et al., 2010) with the BW coordinates, Tai et al. (2012, 2019), Tai & Kuo (2012) and Luca et al. (2016) suggested a nonconventional approach is proposed, where erosion/deposition can be easily integrated into the model equations without complicated transformation for the orientation of the velocity to the model axes. Although the terrain-fitted coordinate system is superior in describing the flow behaviors in the depth-averaged approach, the application of a terrain-fitted coordinate system is limited by the constrain of shallow curvature, i.e. the curvature radius should be sufficient large. This hurdle can be overcome by the concept of sub-topography over the smoothed topographic surface.
In the present study, we shall first brief the reason of employing the terrain-fitted coordinate system in comparison with the conventional Cartesian coordinates. After the introduction of the concept of the sub-topography for modeling the sediment-related hazardous flow over the rugged topographies, a general approach, which unifies the terrain-fitted coordinate system and Cartesian coordinate one, is suggested. Numerical examples are illustrated for highlighting the differences between the Cartesian approach and the one with sub-topography in terrain-fitted coordinate system. And a back-calculation of historical event (2009 Hsaiolin landslide event) will be shown for illustrating the high potential of engineering application.
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0040 崩塌-可侵蝕顆粒床流動與侵蝕夾帶行為之研究
仕豪 鄒, 述三 蕭 and 上禎 楊
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0053 旋轉鼓內不同非球形顆粒比例對於三元顆粒系統分離機制與動態特性之影響
WEI YI YOU, Chun-Chung Liao and Huang-Lin Sun
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0163 Non-intrusive stress measurement in a steady inclined surface flow of photoelastic disks
Guan-Rui Chen and Fu-Ling Yang
Granular material exhibits hysteric stick-slip behavior at the onset or extinction of a continuous motion. This phenomenon is closely tied with how static or moving grains experience different interactions with their neighbors to render distinctive internal friction properties. Researchers often characterizes this biphasic features in a uniform surface flow by measuring the flow height (Hstop) when the layer stops moving at a specific angle (θstop) and likewise when a static layer of thickness Hstart is set into motion at a different angle (θstart). While granular kinetic energy has been developed to estimate collisional stress components from individual grain dynamics, how frictional interactions play a role in a flow stress is yet unclear.
In order to estimate a stress field from lasting inter-particle friction, we develop a non-intrusive measurement technique by exploiting the birefringence of a photoelastic material. When under compression loading, the refractive index of a thin photoelastic disk changes accordingly so that a fringe pattern can be captured via proper polarized illumination, which provides us a means to observe the loaded frictional force network. In this study, we have developed a photoelastic granular chute flow facility to observe how the fringe intensity and structure change under different flow conditions that can be set by varying the chute angle and flow height. We have developed novel image processing algorithms to capture the mean fringe angle (α) and its strength by the gradient square (G2) method. Via static calibration, we obtain the σf--G2 and the τf--α relations to estimate the frictional stress components. In addition, we also develop an algorithm to achieve the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) to measure the bulk dynamic properties including its velocity, shear strain rate, granular temperature, and solid volume fraction so that the concurrent collisional stress components can be estimated. For this, we had to design a pendulum collision experiment to measure the coefficient of restitution for the photoelastic disks.
Based on the observation, the frictional stress developed primarily at the bottom of an inclined flow to resist gravity and maintain the particle structure. In contrast, the collisional stress is detected near the free surface to facilitate the flow by converting gravity into grain motions. We shall examine the frictional and the collisional normal and tangential stress components against the total stress predicted from a continuum model to evaluate the proposed methodology.
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0191 On the Resolution of the Caflisch-Luke Paradox: Kill the Divergent Velocity Fluctuation in a Sedimenting Particle Suspension
Hsien-Hung Wei
When a single particle is settling due to gravity in an unbounded fluid under the inertialess Stokes flow condition, a disturbance flow field v can be generated around the particle and decays as 1/r, where r is the distance to the particle. In a dilute sedimenting particle suspension where many particles are settling at the same time, this long range point-force character generally renders collective hydrodynamic interactions between the particles, making the ensemble average of the disturbance velocity v' grow indefinitely with the container size L as L^2. Batchelor (1970) first showed that this divergence can be successfully removed by the backflow renormalization in that the bottom wall of a container sets up a macroscopic backflow that necessarily grows as L2 to counterbalance the likewise point-force contribution for ensuring =0 macroscopically. For the velocity fluctuation delta_v which is the square root of the velocity variance ^1/2, Caflisch & Luke (1985) showed that delta_v also grows as L^1/2 without bound, in contrast to experimental observations which showed no such a divergence. However, from a conceptual point of view, It is rather puzzling that such a L^1/2 divergence in delta_v, the so-called Caflisch-Luke paradox, is not tamable while a much stronger L^2 divergence in can still be fully eliminated. This thus raises a question: can the macroscopic backflow effect in the latter be used to kill the divergence in the former? In this talk, I will demonstrate that the O( d^1/2) velocity fluctuation delta_v can indeed be made finite due to the suppression by the O( d^2) backflow effect in terms of a mesoscopic length much greater than the particle size a. In addition, this backflow suppression entails a natural cutoff length d~a*phi^1/3 that scales as the average particle separation in consistent with the experiment by Segré et al. (1997), where phi is the particle volume fraction.
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