【S027】 固力材料論壇(學生論文競賽投稿轉投)

Friday, 19 November, 13:30 ~ 15:00, Conference Room ROOM 10
Organizer: Shu-Wei Chang,
Chair: 周佳靚

13:30 ~ 13:45 (15')
0318  Application of deep learning to the research of Inconel-718 chip characteristics and the influence of tool life
Ming-Jie Zhang, Shao-Hsien Chen and Jyuan-Yu Chen
In recent years, with the development of the aerospace industry and the advancement of smart manufacturing technology, the demand for the hard-to-cut nickel-based alloy Inconel718 has also increased. This study intends to establish a method for identifying cutting types and predicting tool wear. Experiment with different cutting parameters to form three cutting types. Collect and use the CCD industrial camera to shoot the cutting chips generated in the experiment to obtain the chip color, chip thickness, chip width and other characteristics, and use CNN to identify the cutting type. , And apply transfer learning to improve modeling efficiency, and apply different network models GoogleNet; ResNet50, compare the suitability of the two models for this study to further improve the identification accuracy, and then use BP to build three types of tool life models, modeling The process adopts a comparison between a single feature and multiple fusion features to further improve the reliability of the model. The final identification accuracy is 66.7% and 88.9% respectively; in the BP tool wear prediction model, the MAPE value is about 20% under the condition of single feature; it is about 10% under the condition of multiple features. The results show that in the comparison of single feature and multi-feature, multi-feature input further improves the accuracy of the model, which is significantly improved by about 30%.

13:45 ~ 14:00 (15')
0324  平板殘留應力之非線性導波評估
Wen-Chuan Wu and Ching-Chung Yin
傳統線性超音波透過時間域所獲得之振幅、衰減及波速等訊號容易受到量測設備與人為干預等潛在變因所影響;近年來非線性超音相關的研究與發展逐漸興盛,其應用頻率域上基頻與產生之高階諧波為參考指標,使量測評估上具有較佳之靈敏度與鑑別度。本研究建立於導波(Guided wave)在平板中的非線性模態,評估與識別平板中之殘留應力。先探討鋁板之模態奇異點,以數值模擬驗證於SH0模態激發下於二倍頻率產生之高階模態(sh0、S0),探討單軸殘留應力對於模態的響應。本方法激發與接收之模態位移響應方向不同,有利於導波模態之識別與量化,對殘留應力評估更具有參考優勢。

14:00 ~ 14:15 (15')
0325  螺絲鎖附薄板之振動行為探討與結構致動最佳化設計
國軒 戴 and 亦莊 吳
本文主要討論等向性薄板點支撐的動態振動特性,首先推導等向性薄板的動態振動理論,根據Levy solution與疊加法求出螺絲鎖附平板自由振動的共振頻率以及模態形狀,並透過有限元素分析軟體驗證理論之正確性,最後利用電子斑點干涉術(AF-ESPI)進行螺絲鎖附薄板振動時的全場干涉圖形拍攝之實驗,並將理論實、模擬與實驗之結果相互比較,以此驗證理論應用於預測實際螺絲鎖附薄板振動之正確性與可行性;透過螺絲鎖附薄板振動之實驗,可進一部討論利用螺絲鎖附之固定方式,來進行針對特定模態的激發或是抑制之效果,同樣利用理論與實驗之方式來進行比對。由理論、模擬和實驗的結果可發現,利用螺絲鎖附薄板的方法可簡單與有效的改變薄板之動態行為,並對於特定的頻率與振動的模態可達到有效激發或是抑制之效果;而此方法可大幅縮短計算時間與避免數值微分問題,可快速的預測於工程結構的振動問題與導入結構最佳化設計的處理。

14:15 ~ 14:30 (15')
0096  環氧樹脂模封材料製程引致翹曲之模擬估算方法與適用性研究
Chia-chi Lee, Che-Pei Chang and Chang-Chun Lee