0022 裂縫個數及裂縫位置對複合材料建構單元在張力下的影響
勝翊 黃,
In this presentation, numerical study on crack location and crack number on the responses of representative unit cell of unidirectional composites under tension is conducted by extended finite element method (XFEM). The composites studied here are single-crack composites, two-crack composites, and three-crack composites. Each of the composites is under tension in the x direction, in the y direction, and in the z direction. Basing on simulation results, one can draw conclusion that the averaged strength decreases as the embedded crack number increases when composites are under tension. One interesting finding is that a crack could be a dominant crack but becomes inactive when other different cracks are in presence under the same loads. The responses of representative unit cell of composites depend upon crack location and the applied loading direction. The results from these simulations can also explain why there is discrepancy of strength prediction from the composites manufactured under the same conditions. The simulation method presented here can be
used to model degree of defects (by modelling the number of cracks) and stochastic characteristics of ultimate strength (by modelling distribution of crack strength)
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0027 光纖光柵感測器監測多層數殘留應變之研究
宏哲 蕭, 光閔 羅, 光晏 劉, 天正 黃 and 姿妤 黃
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0093 磁控雙頂閘元件的Rashba-Dresselhaus效應(Rashba-Dresselhaus Effect in a Magneto-controlled Double-Top-Gate Device)
柏辰 萬, 元輔 廖 and 士雄 唐
We apply a double-top-gate to a split-gate device in a InAs-based 2DEG. The split-gate limits the electron transmission direction to only the x direction; the top gate forms a barrier in the electron transmission direction. And we discuss the Rashba effect caused by the build-in electric field, the Dresselhaus effect that causes the equivalent build-in electric field due to the asymmetry of the bulk material, and the Zeeman effect caused by the application of a magnetic field to the separate element. We report that when the length and width of the gate are fixed, and the Rashba effect and Zeeman effect parameters are fixed, only the Dresselhaus effect strength parameters are changed. We found that both the RP structure and HBS will be affected by the Dresselhaus effect and change, but the RP structure has not disappeared; as the value of β increases, the energy decreases, and a red shift occurs. The partial conductance G22 starts to make a contribution when the β value is greater than 0.1, and the larger the β value, the more obvious the contribution. When the β value is 0.15, we find the quantum dot HBS.
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0094 Zeeman效應對雙指閘的P型磁控窄通道元件的影響(Zeeman effect in P-type magnetic-field controlled narrow channel with double-finger gate components)
皓勛 許, 韋安 陳 and 士雄 唐
We discuss the P-type magnetic-field controlled narrow channel with double-finger gate components, because the change of finger gate voltage and the Zeeman effect produced by the magnetic field affect the conductance structure of the hole. If the potential energy applied by each finger gate in the two-finger gate system rises, the conductance structure will gradually be pressed down, and the conductance structure will gradually change from an ideal conductance structure to a resonance peak structure, and finally become similar infinite deep potential energy well. By the structure of infinitely deep potential energy well, we can use the calculated formula to predict the position of the energy point where the each resonant peak of the light and heavy electric holes appear. When we add the Zeeman effect produced by the magnetic field, we can clearly see that the conductance splitting caused by the Zeeman effect is more pronounced in the low-energy region than in the high-energy regime.
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0238 Deformation of An Anisotropic Bar under Torsion
Cho-Liang Tsai, Chih-Hsing Wang, Shun-Fa Hwang and Jia-Lin Chen
In 1934, Timoshenko presented the solution of the deformation of an isotropic rectangular bar under torsion. A truth cannot be ignored is that the deformation of a rectangular bar under torsion should remain the same if the values of its thickness and width are exchanged. Timoshenko’s solution does not fit this truth and is obviously an approximation. The solution of the deformation of an orthotropic bar under torsion was presented in 1950 by Lekhnitski, which is in series form and energy conservation is not taken into consideration. In 1990, Tsai, Daniel and Yaniv presented a close form solution of the deformation of an orthotropic plate under torsion taking into consideration its out-off-plane behavior and energy conservation. By applying a shear correction factor for correcting the strain energy induced by the shear stress to equal to the work done by the external torsion. This work seems to be the only one dealing with an anisotropic plate under torsion in the 30 years after Lekhnitski’s work, and the solutions of both works are extremely identical numerically. However, when the thickness of the plate is in the same order as that of its width, the plate is no more a “thick plate”, but a rod. The behavior in out-off-plane direction is no more a sidekick of the in-plane behavior, and Tsai’s assumption is no more suitable. This work presents, 30 years after Tsai’s research, an exact solution of the deformation of an orthotropic rod under torsion. Fourier series is applied, and all the stresses and strains are derived. All the compatibility conditions, stress boundary conditions, stress equilibrium conditions, force equilibrium condition and energy conservation condition are all taken into consideration and satisfied. When the solution is simplified for isotropic rectangular bar, it is extremely close to Timoshenko’s approximate solution numerically until the aspect ratio is larger than 5.
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0267 A Low-Cost PVA Composite Tactile Sensor Based on Electrical Contact Resistance for Wearable Applications
Rajat Subhra Karmakar, Ying-Chih Liao, Yu-Jui Fan and Yen-Wen Lu
A low-cost tactile sensor has been developed by using a thin coating of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) doped with Iron (Fe) particles over an Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. Fe-PVA composite film was face-to-face assembled with PET-ITO to form a tactile sensor. The electrical contact resistance (ECR) variation has been monitored for experimental and practical tactile sensing application. A highest sensitivity of 1.96 kPa-1 has been achieved. Further, real-time applications in fist-clenching detection were successfully carried out showing the great potential for wearable applications.
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